
Emily K.

MSN, DNP, and CRNA at Emory University School of Nursing


Graduate Program

Graduate Program: MN+MSN, Master's

Program Delivery:

Anticipated Graduation Date: 2024

My favorite thing to do in Atlanta is...

explore new neighborhoods with friends. I love discovering cool hikes, finding exciting restaurants, and just enjoying all that the city has to offer.

What has been the highlight of nursing school so far?

My highlight of nursing school has been all of the clinicals that Emory provides for us. I have loved working with different patient populations, expanding my knowledge in the career of nursing, and learning from my clinical instructors and nurse preceptors firsthand.

Before nursing school, I was...

feeling overwhelmed with all the directions my graduate education could take. However, now that I am becoming an Emory nurse, I feel confident in my decision to attend this school and program and am loving every minute of my experience here!

I chose Emory because...

not only is it a wonderful school in a beautiful city, but my faculty, peers, and friends have really made this place feel like home. Emory integrates my love for learning in a hands-on environment with amazing opportunities and support outside of the classroom as well.

I'm passionate about...

Long walks with friends Trying new foods Outdoors Exercise & Health Traveling and Seeing New Places sunsets on beach My Family
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