
Azia M.

BSN, MN, and MN Pathway at Emory University School of Nursing


Class of 2026

Hometown: Conyers, GA

Major: Nursing

What has been the highlight of nursing school so far?

So far, the highlight of my nursing school experience has been my labs, as I have been able to learn many skills and be hands on!

My favorite thing to do in Atlanta is...

I love to explore and try new places with my friends.

I chose Emory because...

I chose Emory because not only is it a top institution, but Emory also provides an outstanding environment for learning, and I am excited to be part of a program that upholds leadership and professional growth in nursing!

Before nursing school, I was...

Before nursing school, I was a student at Oxford College of Emory University where I took all my pre-requisites and was actively involved in campus life.

I'm passionate about...

Volunteer Work binge watching Netflix Listening Music

I'm involved with...

Black Student Association Resident Advisor Emory Black Nurses Student Organization
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