
Alyssa A.

Alumnus at Emory University School of Nursing


Class of 2021


Hometown: Gaithersburg, MD

Major: Applied Physiology and Kinesiology

I chose Emory because...

the faculty, the clinical partnerships, and the volunteer opportunities domestically and internationally through the Lillian Carter Center.

Before nursing school, I was...

finishing my undergrad degree at the University of Florida! Go gators!!

What has been the highlight of nursing school so far?

A highlight of nursing school has been working among such incredible and diverse people. You interact with amazing human beings who inspire you to be a better version of yourself.

My favorite thing to do in Atlanta is...

walk on the beltline, explore the different coffee shops, and discover new restaurants with friends!

I'm passionate about...

Hiking Trying new coffee shops! Traveling Yoga

I'm involved with...

Student Ambassador
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