
Angelica F.

Alumnus at Emory University School of Nursing

Class of 2021

Current: Distrito Capital de Bogotá, Colombia

Major: Accelerated MSN (MN + MSN)

Concentration: Family Nurse Practitioner

Before nursing school, I was...

a medical assistant. I worked in a non-profit and a private practice.

My favorite thing to do in Atlanta is...

eat. There are soooo many delicious places of all different kinds of food.

I chose Emory because...

of its reputation and academic strength. I wanted to attend one of the best schools and be able to stay close to home.

What has been the highlight of nursing school so far?

I think one of my highlights have been to have the opportunity to meet or hear from leading medical experts on their field, through virtual talks or having them attend a lecture in one of our classes.

I'm passionate about...

Underserved Populations Dermatology Latinx Health

I'm involved with...

EGHI SAC Clinical Research
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