Post-licensure Ambassador at Emory University School of Nursing
Graduate Program: Post-BSN/MN DNP, Master's
Program Delivery: Full Time
Anticipated Graduation Date: 2023
Being in nursing school so far has allowed me to recognize the level of knowledge that I am gaining. The biggest highlight has been meeting incredible people and learning so much about health and wellness.
Hike Stone Mountain!
A student and Resident Assistant at Central Michigan University for 5 years studying Clinical Exercise Science and Child Development!
Emory is a diverse university in a multitude of ways. I appreciate the quality of Emory's programs and education, and the opportunities that they offer their students. It was clear to me before I was a student at Emory that Emory offers a rich learning environment and builds their students to not only learn and become competent in their field, but build their students to become a positive influence on the communities they are a part of.